Quality Assurance Unit
- The Quality Assurance Center (QAC) at the Egyptian Chinese University was established in 2016. The structure of the center includes the directors of the quality assurance units in the faculties. The decisions, recommendations and technical reports of the Quality Assurance Center are discussed in the university council meetings.
- The Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Technology was established in 2020, following the approval of the faculty council meeting no. 1 on 23/09/2020, and the subsequent approval of the university council meeting no. 24 on 30/09/2020.
- The Quality Assurance Unit is affiliated administratively to the faculty Dean and is affiliated technically to the Quality Assurance Center of the university.
- The Quality Assurance Unit follows up the implementation of the quality system and provides technical support, in coordination with the Quality Assurance Center, to qualify our faculty to gain the local and international accreditation from accredited bodies including the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE).The Quality Assurance Unit technically supports the faculty to (i) keep pace with the scientific and technologic developments in the local and international arenas, (ii) link the academic programs offered by the faculty with the requirements of the labor market and the scientific advances, (iii) measure and evaluate the quality of the education and the overall performance of the faculty, and (iv) explore the views of the stakeholders and encourage them to participate in setting faculty development plans.
Quality Assurance Unit Manager
Prof. Dr. Mouchira Aly Choucry

Mandatory Training Unit
- The Mandatory Training Unit (MTU) at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Technology was established following the approval of the 18th faculty council meeting on 15/06/2023.
- The Mandatory Training Unit is administratively affiliated to the Faculty Dean.
- The Mandatory Training Unit Missions:
- Identifying a supervisor from the faculty staff members for each training course of the Mandatory Training Program.
- Preparing a list of the students who passed the fifth level, indicating the cumulative grade, and sending them to the Egyptian Drug Authority and the Supreme Council of University Hospitals to distribute them among various training sites.
- Notifying all trainees of the training institutions and the start date of the internship according to the lists received from the Egyptian Drug Authority and the Supreme Council of University Hospitals.
- Following up on the implementation of the Mandatory Training Program (internship) for pharmacists according to the approved description; moreover, ensuring that trainees enroll in the courses in an organized manner through field visits by the staff member supervisors in addition to continuous communication with the training authorities.
- Discussing the obstacles that may hinder the implementation of the mandatory training program, proposing solutions and presenting them to the Faculty Council to coordinate with the authorities responsible for training.
- Considering requests to postpone or replace the internship or training locations and any other requests for internship pharmacists in coordination with the authorities responsible for training.
- Evaluating the progress of the training in light of the reports submitted by the faculty’s training unit after the end of the training year and presenting the evaluation results to the Faculty Council.
- Following up with the students during their 100-hour internship(s), which should take place during the summer vacations of the academic years after the end of the third level in private and public pharmacies or hospital pharmacies.
Mandatory Training Unit Manager
Prof. Dr. Hanan Hanna Georgey