The Egyptian Chinese University (ECU) is the only Chinese university in Egypt and the Middle East. It was founded by The Presidential Decree No. 118 on 18/2/2023. ECU is considered to be the first technological, non-traditional, private university which depends on the productive technology.
The study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine started on the academic year 2023/2024 (fall semester), following the release of the Ministerial Decree No. On / /20
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine offers a collaborative five academic years in addition to a year of field training (internship), representing five academic levels of different and effective courses varies between the different programs in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine which includes: General program, Pet program, Poultry and rabbits program, Food health and safety program, Clinical veterinary pharmacology program and Fish diseases and fish framing program.
That would make the student graduate with the full ability of diagnosis and treatment of disease, breeding, genetics, disorders and injury in animals and this covering all animal species, including the wide scope of veterinary medicine that related to human health through the monitoring and control of zoonotic and infectious diseases, epidemiology and the quality control of food, also the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (ECU) will make the student meet and interact with various scientific and educational research areas.
Dear Sons and Daughters, Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine(ECU) you are the real wealth of the country, doctors of the future, scientists of tomorrow as well as the active energy of our country. All of you should bear the responsibility, and dedicate a considerable effort to achieve the welfare for you and your sons; you also should enjoy the faculty life and participate in all student activities for community service and environment development. Finally, I wish all success for you all.

Faculty Staff

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Fawzi Elshaieb
Veterinary Medicine Dean

Dr. Marwa Mahmoud Fawzy

Dr. Ebtihal Mossllam
Assistant professor

Dr. Sherine Abbas Mohamed