Interior Design and Furniture Program
One of the most important programs in the departments of the College of Arts and Design, where this specialization focuses on studying the most important technological, functional, and aesthetic aspects to address architectural and interior design spaces in order to create an interior space that serves various human life functions. It is a scientific field that includes a mix of interior design sciences for different spaces (residential, commercial, administrative, touristic), where the program prepares qualified human resources of designers in the field that align with technology, supporting integration between creative and technological orientations by preparing students for the technical world and the ability to apply practical methods and professional practices while understanding the human needs of consumers.
Fields of work for graduates:
- Freelance interior designer to design interior decoration for architectural spaces (residential, commercial, administrative, and touristic)
- Freelance furniture designer
- Furniture designer for factories, companies, and international and local furniture exhibitions for the furniture industry
- Exhibition designer (sales – marketing – design)
- Designer in technical offices to work on design using modern design programs
- Designer of health care spaces
- A designer in the theatrical, cinematic and television fields, where he develops decoration designs and methods for their application and supervises their implementation.
- Designing and supervising the implementation of exhibition pavilions in exhibitions and museums
- Designer in the field of sustainable environmental design
- Universities, research and regulatory centers and institutes related to interior design and furniture
- Ministries, government agencies, public and private companies as interior designers
- Responsible for quality control
- Responsible for project management, planning and implementation, both in interior design and furniture production
- A furniture designer develops furniture designs, methods of applying them, and follows up production processes and what is new through scientific and technological progress.
- Establishing scientific, technical and technological specifications according to modern technologies for various raw materials
Faculty Staff

Dr. Rana Ibrahim

Dr. Mina Takawi

Teaching Assistant: Roaa Nasf

Teaching Assistant: Rawan Usama

Teaching Assistant: Logina Mohamed

Teaching Assistant: Roshan Khaled

Teaching Assistant: Alaa Ahmed

Teaching Assistant: Dina Osama
Photo Gallery