The Egyptian Chinese University (ECU) was established by the presidential decision No. (118) for the year 2013. The Egyptian Chinese University is considered as the first technological, productive and non-traditional university based on productivity and techniques. The ECU is supposed to be consisted of 16 faculties that will start with 4 faculties and increase gradually in the following years to cover the remaining faculties.
The ECU contributes to establish factories, workshops, and transferring technology. It helps to create a second class of entrepreneurs and push young people into self-employment for highly trained graduates. The university also includes training workshops and outlets for students’ products that help in the sustainable development of them in addition to some institutions that help the surrounding population. Thus, it turns to transferring the Chinese technical and practical experience. The ECU aims to contribute to the intellectual growth, discipline and good character of future leaders in Egypt and the Middle East.
In another context, the ECU provides high-quality educational services in modern and advanced scientific fields meeting international strategies and supporting scientific research, experimental development, innovation besides implementation of lifelong learning (LLL) plans. The ECU represents an advanced model of a technological and productive university with graduates who are able to compete at national and international levels in addition to conducting basic and applied scientific research that leads to innovative outputs. The ECU graduates must be equipped with skills and professional background that are adapted to modern labor markets in the age of knowledge with an orientation towards developing entrepreneurial activities. As a result, the ECU represents a comprehensive higher education system that strongly supports sustainable social and economic development. It adopts the future strategies and plans for the electronic control unit according to multiple criteria such as: quality, accessibility, effectiveness, governance, internationalization of sustainability, excellence in research and community services.
Moreover, the ECU has affiliations with three famous research universities in China including Beijing Jiaotong University, Liaoning University and North China University for Electric Power. This cooperation aims to achieve Egypt’s aspirations for excellence in scientific research and raise standards of innovation, creativity and community entrepreneurship in the fields of engineering, medicine, physical therapy, and business. It includes cooperation in the design of academic programs, exchange programs, and training opportunities which increases the university’s research productivity as well as its impact on economic and societal development.
The University Headquarters
The university is located in a featured location in the heart of Cairo. It includes two campuses with a total area of about 30 acres. The study has already begun in the following faculties: Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Economics and International Trade, Faculty of Physiotherapy, and Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Technology.
A Productive University
The university is a productive, technical, and academic university that depends on advanced production technology. It takes a non-stereotypical approach in education and training by transferring the experiences and needs of industry community and the Chinese experience in the field of technology to Egypt achieving the link between its objectives and needs of the developed society.

- The university prepares students by developing their practical skills, training them on the labor market, and adopting their creativity and ideas so that they can find suitable job opportunities for them by establishing start-up companies or establishing small-scale projects.
- Benefiting from the leading and distinguished Chinese experience in the fields of engineering, software, alternative medicine, physiotherapy and economics to support knowledge, skills and innovations and encourage small projects.
- Therefore, the Egyptian-Chinese University is a leading modern educational institution, with high international standards using innovative methods of education as applied in the international universities. The university is also scheduled to play an important role in comprehensive sustainable human development and in refining scientific and technological knowledge that is considered as a decisive factor in strengthening Egypt’s opportunity to compete in investment of knowledge which represents the pillar of citizenship based on responsibility and the spirit of social and ethical response in the scientific knowledge society.
The university has concluded a number of important conventions with a number of foreign and local universities and research centers to support the system of education and field training in production sites and to obtain joint academic degrees with foreign universities and their involvement in joint educational programs abroad for a whole year.
Field Training
The university provides field training programs for students in various sectors with many large Egyptian and foreign economic industrial clusters to bridge the gap between academic education and application and prepare students for the needs of the labor market.

- The role of the university comes in making use of human resources and linking education to production and the ability to innovate not education then production. The academic side will go hand in hand with the practical side in a realistic scope.
- Also, the existence of specialized research and technology centers that adopt production and industry problems to solve them, as well as the talented and those who have the desire for excellence and advancement, whether in Egypt or the Arab world. Hence, it creates a distinguished Arab generation that has the ability to suit and participate positively in the global wheel of development.
Academic Advising
The university has an accurate academic advising system and full follow-up of students during their studies.
University Faculty Members
The university has a distinguished selection of the best faculty members in the Egyptian and international universities.