Students of the Egyptian Chinese University from Shanghai University in China.

From Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the training program for students of the Faculty of Physical Therapy at the Egyptian-Chinese University. A warm welcome at Shanghai Airport for the students, and lectures and training began on the second day.

It was agreed to start postgraduate studies for those with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and above, and indeed, student Mariam Kandil, who applied before her peers, has been accepted, and the remaining students will also be accepted. It was also agreed that graduating students from the faculty would enter the World Health Organization’s acupuncture program for three months, after which the student becomes a specialist in Chinese acupuncture.

Those who pass this period may enroll in the master’s program if their cumulative GPA is below 3.5. An agreement was made to develop the Chinese medicine program at the faculty. Wishing my students success and achievement, as I am proud of the exam results they achieved at Shanghai University, which reflects the high academic level of teaching.

It was also agreed to continue the training program annually. Special thanks and appreciation to the Board of Trustees supporting the faculty and students, and to the university president, Dr. Rasha El-Khouli, for her support of the faculty and the supervisors from the university with the students. A special thank you to the unsung hero, Mr. Mahmoud Sabry, who dedicated his time to facilitate all difficulties for the students.
